Magnitude 3.4, Sun Sep 25 2016 12:54 PM

Earthquake Details

When Sun Sep 25 2016 12:54 PM
Where 35 km west of Hanmer Springs
Shaking Weak
Magnitude 3.4
Depth 36 km
Quality deleted

Shaking Layers

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Get Prepared for an Emergency

One of the best things New Zealanders can do is make a plan, and have a grab bag ready to go in case of emergencies. Ensure everyone in your family knows what the plan is, where to meet and how to stay connected with whānau when our lives are disrupted by natural hazard events.

Making your home safer for natural hazards

There's a lot you can do to make your home safer and stronger for natural hazards. Every step you take will reduce the impact of a disaster on you and your family, so get started today.