Volcanic Activity Bulletins

Volcano Activity Bulletins (VABs) are New Zealand's official source of volcano status information including the current Volcanic Alert Level (VAL). They are issued on an as needed basis summarising the volcano status and recent events. They can indicate if activity is increasing, decreasing, or in a steady state. They may contain forecasts, highlight developing, or expected problems.
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Webcam imagery this morning shows a short-lived vigorous steam and gas plume above Whakaari/White Island. The plume appears to have contained a minor amount of ash at low level. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest) and the Aviation Colour Code remains Yellow.

A gas and observation flight on Thursday 18 July 2024 has confirmed a decrease in the level of activity at Whakaari/White Island since 12 July. Analysis of data from two gas flights alongside ground deformation satellite data confirms minor eruptive activity occurred early July. A steam and gas plume continues to be emitted from an enlarged vent on the crater floor.

Due to good weather for observations since Wednesday 10th July we have observed a continuous moderate gas and steam plume rising from Whakaari/White Island. The plume is being emitted from an enlarged vent on the crater floor. Minor amounts of ash were observed intermittently in the vent during a gas flight, but this is not considered to constitute new eruptive activity. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest) and the Aviation Colour Code remains Yellow.

Since Wednesday 3rd July we have observed a more vigorous steam and gas plume rising from Whakaari / White Island. Calm and cool weather conditions offshore Bay of Plenty has allowed for very clear views of this activity for many from the coast. No clear eruptive activity has been observed at Whakaari/White Island since Saturday 25th May. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest) and the Aviation Colour Code remains Yellow.

The unusual volcanic earthquakes under Mt Ruapehu have considerably reduced in number. The Crater Lake continues to show a slow decline in lake temperature, and water level indicates minor overflows. The volcanic gas monitoring continues to measure low-moderate volcanic gas emissions. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at 1 and the Aviation Colour Code at Green.

No clear eruptive activity has been observed at Whakaari/White Island since Saturday 25 May. We have conducted further gas and observation flights and measured an elevated magmatic gas output. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest) and the Aviation Colour Code remains Yellow.

Due to the absence of further eruptive activity at Whakaari/White Island since Saturday 25 May, we have lowered the Volcanic Alert Level to Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest) and the Aviation Colour Code to Yellow.

With the views that we have available, we have not been able to detect any further eruptive activity at Whakaari/White Island. We are intermittently seeing the more typical steam and gas emissions when views are clear. However, we can't rule out unobserved eruptive activity, so the Volcanic Alert Level remains at 3 and the Aviation Colour Code at Orange.

Minor volcanic eruptive activity continues intermittently at Whakaari/White Island. Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 3 and Aviation Colour Code remains at Orange.

Another minor eruption occurred at Whakaari/White Island at approximately 08:10 am NZST today (May 25). The Volcanic Alert Level has been raised to Level 3 and the Aviation Colour Code changed to Orange.