Earthquake Statistics

The GeoNet project locates between 50 and 80 earthquakes each day, or about 20,000 a year.

Earthquakes Per Day

020406080100120Per Day01-Oct-2301-Jan-2401-Apr-2401-Jul-24Earthquakes Per Day

Plot showing earthquakes per day over the last 365 days. The maximum earthquakes per day was 133 on 21 June, 2024.

Table summarising earthquake numbers over the last 365 days between latitudes 54°S and 24°S and longitudes 160°E and 170°W.
Magnitude Last 7 days Last 28 days Last 365 days
< 2 188 609 11716
2 - 3 159 598 8183
3 - 4 34 145 1756
4 - 5 14 43 486
5 - 6 4 14 60
>= 6 0 0 2
Total 399 1409 22203