Elizabeth Garlick

Large, deep M6.2 earthquake has struck Central North Island

Published: Tue Oct 30 2018 4:00 PM

A M6.2 earthquake has struck 25 kilometres south-west of Taumarunui at 3.13pm. Tuesday 30 October.

This earthquake was widely-felt throughout much of the country, there are currently more than 15,000 felt reports. The earthquake report is here. Large, deep earthquakes like this usually cause fewer aftershocks than shallower ones.




This earthquake hasn't caused a tsunami as it is too deep and was not centred near the coast.

As this was a very deep quake, you can see from the pattern of felt reports that the energy travelled along the rigid subducting slab on the east of the North Island. You can read an article that we wrote about this phenomenon here.

This type of earthquake happened in 2012, you can check that out here.

Remember in an earthquake to Drop, Cover and Hold.




For more advice on positive actions to take before, during, and after an earthquake, go to Civil Defence's website: happens.nz